
Application Description
Steel plate Measurement
  • Individual plate measurement
  • Assembled plates
Surface Measurement
  • Component verification
  • Lay up tools and die measurements
  • Real time inspection
Deformation Measurement
  • Deformation due to changes in position or attitude of components
  • Deformation due to load
  • Dynamic measurement
Pipe Measurement
  • Tracing pipe locations
  • Verification of dimensions
  • Pipe replacement measurements
Temperature Deformation
  • Deformation due to extremes of temperature
Repeatability Check
  • Repeatability of individual components
Component Alignment
  • Alignment of key features for refurbishment or building
Shape Analysis
  • Measurement of components to verify dimensions
  • Verification of shape under load
Transportation Check
  • Check of built components after transportation to customer or from suppliers
Block Measurement
  • Measurement of manufactured blocks to verify dimension
Vibration Studies
  • Dimensional checks of components and structures undergoing deformation due to vibration

Engineering Applications

See below for application reports describing the V-STARS measurement.

Bridge Block (1,095.63 kB)
Steel Box (1,438.01 kB)
Pipe Measurement (1,887.81 kB)

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